The Proverbs 31 Woman - Perfection Not Required
I love Proverbs 31. Timeless beauty, heart, and a phenomenal example of a woman who loves the Lord.
Notice: seamless conversational skills, unbeatable charm, a svelte waistline, skin without blemishes, Pinterest-worthy outfits, and 20k Instagram followers not included. (But not excluded, either, ya know?)
Her husbands heart trusts in her.
She is wise.
She sows seeds for the future.
She goes the extra mile to care for the people around her, even her helpers.
She opens her hands to the poor and reaches out to the needy!
She dresses herself in Anthropologie….
oh wait, woops! She dresses herself in strength and dignity.
When she speaks, it is wisdom and kindness.
Isn’t that beautiful?