March + April Haps

Hello, my friends! I’ve missed you!

How have you been?

Here’s what we have been up to since my last update from our little home in the country.


Random Stuff I’ve been liking, listening to, reading, and doing!

I found this deodorant at Target and it smells like middle school in the best way. Do you remember the Cucumber Melon craze? Well, Hey Humans decided to encapsulate that scent into a mostly natural deo that doesn’t make my pits itchy, break out, or smell like food after a couple of hours. Pro tip: you can’t test the scents out at the store unless “someone else” broke the seal, so, do with that info what you will! Also, you have to push the deo out like a push-pop. It is not a twisty.

I broke down and demanded good coffee for home use. This Aldi-loving budgeteer has found it hard to regularly spend over $10 for a bag of coffee, but I’m 6 months pregnant and really just want to use my 1-cup (maybe 2-cup) coffee allowance on the good good. Counter Culture hits all the high points for me (sustainable, locally roasted so it’s fresh, tastes fantastic) and is currently BOGO 25% off at Target!

Current Podcast Fave: The Big Boo Cast. Do you ever just want to listen to two hilarious 50-year-old southern women talk about random things in their life? Well, I didn’t know that I did until I DID and now I just want to listen to Big Mama and BooMama all the time. They’re believers, published authors, and they’ll make you LOL in your car.

Reading: I finished French Kids Eat Everything, and I loved it. I started Nedra Glover Tawwab’s Set Boundaries, Find Peace, and it’s a very approachable book on how and why to set good boundaries — I highly recommend it. And I’m also re-reading Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, which was my last birth-related read before Griffin and I wished I had read it as my main text for birth, so, here I go!

Sometimes I do creative things that aren’t writing, and one of my faves is when I get to creatively direct for The Root Collective photoshoots! I got to help with their spring/summer launch and they’re my fave TRC pics to date. Read more about that relationship here!

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My baby’s not a baby but not a toddler

…and that’s been real fun. LOL! Well, it’s been a grace-grower, that’s for sure! We’re entering into the phase where she wants to exert her will, but has little to no skill to actually do what she wants. This = screeching, whining, and screaming. BUT on days that I can be really present with her (not trying to go a ton of places or get my work to-do list done while she’s awake) and get on the floor, play with her, and try to teach her things, we have such a good time. But y’all can pray for me thanks.


Lots of copywriting!

Guys, writing has been keeping me so busy! I am grateful! Along with private clients, I am the in-house copywriter over at Otherlove, a woman-owned, women-led creative design firm based in my neighbor city, Durham. It is a privilege to work with creative business owners at a time that they are taking risks to grow their business. And I love that I get to marry my passions for small businesses, killer branding, and my love for creative writing.

This usually looks like me writing during naptimes, and occasionally using babysitting time to find a local coffee shop to crank out some good words. It takes discipline, but I really enjoy using that side of my brain amidst my full-time life of keeping an orderly home, being a healthy person/family member/friend/neighbor, and caring for my dear Griffy girl.


Was a featured guest on the Work & Play Podcast! (It airs Tuesday, May 11th!)

Nancy asked, and my armpits started sweating. Ha! But I said YES! She does a series every year in May called May is for Mamas (and you will notice that in my nervousness I say May is for Mothers riiiiight at the beginning, so, that’s cool.) She asked me to share our fertility story which I think is beautiful because if you are an adult female and don’t have kids for whatever reason, the onslaught of Mother’s Day things this month can feel a bit like trying to squeeze your right foot into a left shoe.

SO, since I’m absent from social media, please show your love here! Comment on this post or send me a message on my Contact page, text me, Marco Polo me, or send a carrier pigeon with Dunkin Donuts iced coffee money which is my preferred version of a “double-tap.”

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Griffin Turned 1!

Did I cry continuously leading up to her birthday? Yes, yes I did. And honestly, that kind of took me by surprise! The Lord gave me much-needed space in the days before her birthday to really consider the victory, grace, and glory of the last year. I read through journals, printed out pictures, and wrote her a note. My life has totally changed because of this girl!

And of course, I had to throw her a shindig! Y’all, this party was the stuff my mom-dreams have been made of. What sounds better for a springtime birthday than a picnic party? We invited our families and close friends (and their kiddos) to eat sandwiches and celebrate our girl. To see my Pinterest inspiration for her party, click here!


Midwife and PT Appointments

At the time of writing this, I’m 26 weeks pregnant — in my 6th month! Can you believe it?! Let me just say that I cannot. LOL! I’ve had 2 midwife appointments and what feels like countless physical therapy appointments since my last update. Little boy is healthy, growing, and wiggling all around — I am so thankful and honestly enjoying this pregnancy very much.

Because I had 2 pregnancies so close together (Griffin was 7.5 months when we got pregnant again) my midwife recommended PT for my pelvic floor. Who knew that was a thing? But I’m so glad I decided to go for it. I feel stronger, more prepared, more cared for (it’s like having a whole additional care team), and like I’m having to really stand in my choice to take good care of myself this time!

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Went to Beaufort for Easter

It was so refreshing to get away for a quick weekend to our beloved Beaufort. It was probably the coldest spring weekend of all time, but we spent lots of time inside, cozying up with books. John’s mom (Grammy) came with us, and got to recreate decades of Easters spent in Beaufort throughout the generations of their family. We went to a local church and worshipped underneath a tent and live oak trees — perfection! (And I took the opportunity to dress Griffin in a smocked dress, of course.)


Making friends with Neighbors & Inviting Friends Over for Dinner

I don’t know if it’s been the beautiful weather, people being ready to move on from the pandemic, or, for me, seeing the next few months as a sliver of time to enjoy making memories before newborn life — BUT we’ve been having the best time being a little more intentional about asking new and old friends over to spend time and a good meal with us. After my last postpartum with Griffin, I realized the importance of having people over more regularly!

What have you been up to lately?

Products, books, podcasts, or things you’ve been loving? Thoughts you’ve been mulling over? Do share! I love hearing from ya!

Wishing you true, unhindered joy and presentness this springtime,


P.S. You can see what I’ve been loving lately here! It’s a springtime edition that I hope you love!

P.P.S. Be sure to enter my giveaway on this post before Friday, May 14th! Gifts are my top love language : )
