I'm a Guest on the Work + Play Podcast!

Y’all, what an honor! Nancy asked me to share my story of infertility, loss, and the weird period of our friendship therein on her podcast which, TBH, is one of my fave podcasts to tune into every week.

Our podcast episode is live today!!

Want to hear me say “100%” a lot of times, generally talk slowly (very on-brand for me), hear some legit miracles that have happened in my life, and get the real-real about our friendship that hasn’t always been easy or pretty? Click here to listen!

She’s a long one, but it is very much how a non-recorded convo would go between Nancy and me. Listen while you work out, wash dishes, walk through Target, or drive around town.


Right after we finished recording, I remember telling Nancy that I would never listen to this episode because of that feeling when you hear your own voice and wish you could’ve done something better.

BUT I’m happy to report that I saddled up (yee-haw!), drank some Starbucks, strolled Griffin around the park with my $15 TJMaxx airpods in, and listened to the whooooole thing — and you guys, IT IS GOOD!


I’m so thankful Nancy invited me to share!

If you listened, would you hit me up below with a little comment?

If you’re new around here — WELCOME! I’m so glad you’re here!

A few things to know about me:

Please say hi below!

And let’s keep in touch, because I like you already!!


